Dilated Pore Of Winer

What Is Dilated Pore Of Winer?

A dilated pore of Winer is condition that usually occurs mostly on the face. It is characterized by a single raised nodule on your face, normally on the forehead, cheek or topmost lip. Other areas that can be affected by this condition include your back and chest. This growth is non-cancerous.

Dilated Pore Of Winer

Dilated pores Winer tends to occur in both men and women but it affects males more. It affects all populations irrespective of race and ethnic groupings and color as well as it is more common in middle –aged adults and older people.


Dilated pores of Winer causes are yet to be identified. However there are factors that can increase the risk of developing this condition: They include

Cystic acne

This is a severe type of acne where the pores of your skin are obstructed. This blockage can lead to infection and inflammation of your skin. This condition affects your face, upper arm and trunk.

Normally, oily glands or sebaceous glands produce sebum, an oil substance. Sebum is responsible for protecting your skin and hair follicles. However, when sebum is overproduced and skin cell grow abnormally, they can block the pores in your skin. As a result create a favorable environment for bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes to thrive.

The blocked pores are also referred to as comedones and can be black or white in color. Propionibacterium acnes bacteria present on your skin can attack the blocked pore causing it to become inflamed hence forming a cyst.

Cystic acne occurs due to changes in hormones during puberty. During adolescent, adrenal glands and ovaries can produce excess androgen hormones which can affect different organs and tissues in the body including oil glands. High levels of androgen hormones causes sebaceous glands to secrete excess sebum as well as skin cells growing quickly.3

Exposure to ultraviolet radiations

Ultraviolet radiations account for many skin cancers to date. Sun and tanning lamps and beds are sources of ultraviolet rays. Too much exposure to these sources of ultraviolet radiations can damage your skin.

There are two types of ultraviolet rays produced by the sun. They include


These types of rays causes your skin to age and is only present during the summer. UVA rays are also linked to long term wrinkles on the skin.


UVB rays occur throughout the year and have more energy than UVA. These rays are responsible for causing sunburns.


Dilated pore Winer may show no signs and symptoms. However, you can observe the following on your skin:

Dilated pore of Winer appear as one black or brown raised nodule on your skin. It is usually found on sun exposed areas such as face, back, forehead and chest.

These growths grow slowly and may vary in size. They also do not cause cancer. Sometimes pus can come out of these growths when you squeeze them. Dilated pores rarely cause inflammation or itching of your skin.


A number of tests can be used to confirm diagnosis of dilated pore winer. They include:

Physical test

In this test, your dermatologist considers your medical history together with a thorough assessment of your skin. A dermatologist can use dermoscopy to examine your skin and note any abnormalities there.

Wood lamp test

Your dermatologist uses a lamp that releases ultraviolet radiations to examine your skin pigmentation.


A dermatologist can take a sample of the affected skin to the laboratory for analysis. Additional tests can be conducted to arrive at the right diagnosis.

Dilated pore winer may have similar symptoms with other skin disorders. Your dermatologist may perform other tests to rule out similar skin conditions.2

What Problems Does a Dilated pore of Winer pose?

Although there are no significant problems associated with a dilated pore winer, the following complications can arise from this condition:

This condition affects the appearance of your skin and can make you avoid social interactions. When these growths are disturbed, they can bleed and become painful. Bleeding can attract microbes such as fungi, bacteria and viruses which can cause infections in the affected areas of your skin.4

Treatment of Dilated Pore of Winer

In many cases, dilated pore of Winer is not treated. However, treatment depends on the size and severity of the pore. The following treatment options can be used:

Removal/Surgery excision

If the pore interferes with your beauty, it can be removed. Removing of dilated pore winer can be achieved through surgery procedure called punch excision.

Before this procedure, your doctor will inject an aesthesia through your veins around the wound to make you comfortable and reduce pain during surgery.

Depending on the size of pore, your doctor will use a punch tool to remove the content and the pore completely. Your doctor then stitches site to prevent further damage.

After surgery usually one day, your doctor will recommend the use of antibiotic ointment on the wound. This will help prevent infections from bacteria. You will also be changing the bandage on the wound daily to control re-infection.

The stitches will be removed by your doctor after about 10 days of surgery. The process of removing the stitches is simple and painless.

When you are taking care of your wound, check for any swellings, redness, pus and pain. Notify your doctor immediately when you start experiencing the above symptoms.

In case the wound is big, you will not be able to do your daily work. You should continue following your doctor’s advice until the wound is healed.3

Apply exfoliating skin scrubs

For small pores that are less painful, exfoliating skin scrubs can be used to treat it. In fact, some patients have successfully treated dilated pore winer condition with exfoliating skin scrubs. There are many skin scrubs that you can buy and apply on the affected skin, however not all of these products can give you better results. Before using these products, consult your doctor to advise you which skin scrubs to use.


Dilated pore of Winer Images Dilated pore of Winer Pics Dilated pore of Winer Pictuures Dilated pore of Winer

Reference List

  1. Dilated Pore Winer.  http://www.newhealthadvisor.com/Dilated-Pore-of-Winer.html
  2. http://www.dovemed.com/diseases-conditions/dilated-pore-winer/
  3. Cystic acne.  http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/103258.php
  4. Dilated Pore Winer.  http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1061188-overview#a5

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